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Mar 29, 2018

In this episode Gino and Chris "ZompiePie" -REDACTED- discuss the Final Fantasy Trading Card Game. We start out with some GBCER announcements and listener feedback before pivoting to the FF TCG. Chris takes exception to the fact that the FF TCG is a trading card game while Gino delves into the specifics of what...

Mar 20, 2018

In this Episode Gino, Billy, and Pete discuss Little Nightmares. We start the show with some feedback and GBCER follow up announcements. We then discuss the setting of Little Nightmares and how it's character models and framing manage to convey an overall sense of dread. We wrap up with some high-level reading of...

Mar 14, 2018

In this episode Gion, Billy, and Pete are joined by fellow endurance runners Chris "Zombiepie" -REDACTED, Anthony "Amlabella" Labella, Nickieroonie, and Personz to talk about the upcoming Giant Bomb Community Endurance Run on April 20th-22nd. Each of our participants lay out their plans or the show and some of the...

Mar 7, 2018

In this episode Gino, Billy, and Pete discuss A Story About My Uncle. We cover how the game leads with story and then rips that story away in favor of first person platforming. We then discuss how the game's level design quickly shuttles the player from mechanic to mechanic without allowing much time for mastery....