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Apr 30, 2019

In this episode Gino, Pete, and Chris "ZombiePie" -REDACTED- discuss their preseason superlatives, rounds one and two of the NBA playoffs, and whether Russ is overrated.

Apr 30, 2019

In this episode Gino and our local MTG expert, Kyle Moran, discuss War of the Spark. We cover WAR limited, stand out cards for Standard and eternal formats, and cards that are currently overrated. Is War of the Spark the strongest set since Kaladesh? Listen to find out!

Apr 25, 2019

In this episode Gino, Pete, and Em discuss Surgeon Simulator and the GBCER. We discuss how hard it is to actually play Surgeon Simulator and how the game seems built for streamers to play for an audience. We then discuss the trend of streamer games and whether that trend was a net negative on game design. 

Next episode...

Apr 9, 2019

In this episode Gino, Pete, and Em discuss Trauma Center: Under the Knife 2. We discuss how the game depicts surgery and what that says about our idea of the medical profession. We also discuss Trauma Center's choice to embed a surgery game in a narrative about fighting a terrorist organization. We wrap up by...

Apr 4, 2019

In this episode Gino and Matt "The Boss of Bosses" Rorie discuss his MMO plans for the GBCER.