Aug 25, 2022
In this episode Gino, Pete, and Em discuss Multiversus! We cover the game's derivative combat, it's odd inclusion of a perks system, and its troubling "beta" status. We also explain why the game can succeed despite its shortcomings and throw out some picks for future character inclusions.
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Aug 18, 2022
It's another Off The Deep End Slushpile game! This time around we have a gander at Japan Studio's Legend of Dragoon, a late model PS1 game with all of the tedious animations and inscrutable localization decisions a person could possibly want.
See the entire Off The Deep Ends ranked list at
Aug 11, 2022
In this episode Gino, Em, and Pete discuss Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eater. We cover the game's odd control scheme, rampant horniness, and insatiable need to explain everything. We also discuss whether the game actually captures the feel of the Cold War or whether it is simply an action movie in video game form.
Aug 4, 2022
In this episode Gino, Em, and Braden "ArbitraryWater" -REDACTED- discuss the concept of Game Juice. We cover what this game design term means, how games juice up their key mechanics, and why developers obsess about this concept. If you've been wondering what we've been talking about when we've referenced Game Juice in...