May 17, 2017
In this episode Gino and Chris "Zombiepie" -REDACTED- answer some audience questions and concerns about their self-destructive endurance runs and their self-destructive Nekopara talk. They then transition to breakdowns of their FFV and FFVIII playthroughs. This leads to a re-evaluation of FFVIII's place on their scientific FF rankings list. They finish up by sending FFVIII out the only way they know how... with song.
I was wondering if you guys could role-play as NJ4LYFE upon the reveal that Boston would get the #1 2017 draft pick while the Nets are stuck with the #22 and #27 picks. I can only imagine how the only hardcore Nets fan would spin this as a positive.
If Gino were to scientifically rank every game Chris forced him to play, what would gods rankings look like? It seems Chris picks mostly soul crushing experiences on Gino with a few exceptions.